If you follow your aftercare instructions, you will have more longevity of lashes and keep them looking healthy and new between fills. Here is what you need to know:
Do not wet your lashes for at least 8 hours after application/fill
Gently wash your lashes daily using a lash shampoo (Do not rub the lashes, gently and lightly brush the shampoo on lashes and splash rinse
Use your lash want to separate the lashes and keep them free of dust
The lash adhesive will disintegrate in oil. Check your facial and makeup products to be sure they are oil free
Do not pull at or pick the lash extensions
Lash perming and tinting cannot be done to lash extensions and extensions applied to tinted lashes may not last as long
Allergy season is realistically all year long. If you experience itching, or a grainy felling in your eyes, you can use Similasan Allergy drops to alleviate this
Some individuals may have adhesive sensitivity to the tapes used during application. An antihistamine can be taken after application to alleviate this
Some individuals are "night rubbers". If you wake up to missing lashes, try sleeping with a lash friendly eye mask
Lash serum is ok as long as it is oil free
Lashes can be dried with a cool, low wind hair dryer at least 18" away from lashes and in an upward motion